
Title: Prevalence of Gastro-Intestinal Helminthes of Slaughtered Cattle at Wukari Abattoir Taraba State, North-Eastern Nigeria
Year 2013
Publisher: Nigerian Journal of Parasitology
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Keywords: Cattle Gastro-intestinal Helminthes Abattoir Wukari.

Studies were conducted to determine the prevalence of helminthes parasites affecting cattle slaughtered at the Wukari Local Government abattoir, in Taraba State, North-Eastern Nigeria. The Standard saturated salt (NaCl) floatation technique was used, and examined microscopically to determine the parasites and the number of eggs per gram. Of the 350 samples examined, 122(34.90%) were infected with one or more intestinal helminthes. In order of prevalence, Paramphistomum species recorded 83(23.70%); Oesophagastomum radiatum 50(14.30%); Fasciola gigantica 31(8.90%); Trichuris species 28(8.00%) and Monezia expansa 23(6.60%). A Chi-Square analysis revealed that the prevalence of gastro-intestinal helminthes between male and female animals varied significantly, so it is between the young and the adult cattle (P<0.05). Of the 163 male cattle examined, a higher prevalence of 62(38.04%) was observed when compared to the 60(32.10%) of their female counterpart out of the 187 examined. The young cattle between the ages of 0 and 23months were more susceptible to the intestinal parasites infection having a prevalence of 43(45.30%) than the adult examined who had 79(30.10%). The result of this study showed a high prevalence of gastro-intestinal parasites among the slaughtered cattle in Wukari. Farmers’ awareness and national campaigns are highly recommended.