
Title: Comparative insecticidal activity of five Nigerian plant species against mosquito vectors in Yola, Adamawa state, Nigeria
Author(s): Ngwamah JS, Naphtali RS, Pukuma MS and Atinga A
Year 2018
Publisher: International Journal of Mosquito Research
File: PDF
Keywords: comparative insecticidal activity mosquito vectors Yola Nigeria

Objective: To determine the mosquito insecticidal activities of methanol and petroleum ether of some ethnobotanicals against Culicine and Anopheline mosquitoes.
Methods: The insecticidal activities were assayed against two major group of mosquito species at various concentrations ranging from (0.5-2mg/ml) under the laboratory conditions.
Results: The result showed significant difference (P< 0.01) among the plant extracts. The Probit analysis showed that H. suaveolens (0.85mg) has the lowest confidence limit that gave LC50 against culicine. Higher insecticidal activities were observed in the methanol extracts than the petroleum ether extracts.
Conclusion: the present result suggest that the effective plant crude extracts have potentials to be used as an eco-friendly approach for the control of mosquito vectors. This present study provides the first report on the insecticidal activities of these plant’s crude extracts against culicine and anopheline mosquitoes in general.