
Title: Activities of Some Ethnobotanicals from North East Nigeria, against Culicine Mosquitoes
Author(s): J. S. Ngwamah and R. S. Naphtali
Year 2019
Publisher: Asian Journal of Research in Infectious Diseases
File: PDF
Keywords: Larvicidal; pupicidal; ethnobotanicals; Culicine mosquito; methanol; petroleum ether

Mosquito borne diseases are the major cause of economic loss due to high morbidity and mortality in Africa. Elimination of culicine vectors using ethnobotanical extracts is one of the best methods for controlling mosquito-borne diseases. The methanolic and petroleum ether extracts of five plants, Azadirachta indica (neem), Hyptis suaveolens (bush tea), Eucarlyptus globulus (pole wire), Citrus senensis (orange), and Ocimumkilimanscharicum (bush scent leaf), were investigated for their effectiveness in control of subfamilies Culicidae mosquitoes’ larvae from June 2017 to October 2017. The results showed that the mortality is concentration dependent. Mortality was recorded for both methanol and petroleum ether extracts. Higher mortalities were observed in the methanolic extracts than petroleum ether extracts. The different plant extracts showed high significant differences (p< 0.05) to each other. Hyptis suaveolens proved to be the most effective treatment agent with 100% mortality observed at both 150 ppm and 200 ppm. The present study has demonstrated larvicidal effects, and the effects were extended pupae emerged from the different treatment which led to the low adult emergence as compared to the control.