
Title: The Judicial Institution in Nigeria and Sustainable Development Goal 16: A Structural Functionalist Application
Author(s): Stephanie C. Okafor & Jide Ibietan, PhD
Year 2019
Publisher: International Journal of Innovative Development and Policy Studies
File: PDF
Keywords: Application; institution; judicial; structural functionalism; Sustainable Development Goals

Constitutionalism arguably advances the material progress of countries, especially when pivoted
on available or effective functioning of institutional and legal frameworks which guarantee
human rights and freedoms. The role of the judiciary in achieving this cannot be overemphasised
in Nigeria. SDG 16 emphasises the existence of Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions which the
traditional functions of the judicature eminently positions it to warehouse and discharge. It is trite
to note that no nation-state can rise beyond the quality and capacity of its institutions. Therefore,
how Nigeria capacitates the judiciary would ultimately determine the realisation of this goal and
pace of development. The adoption of Structural Functionalism as theoretical framework of
analyses for this paper strengthened the discussion, informed the findings and resultant